PHP Developer Internship

We develop WordPress themes and plugins following WordPress Coding Standards and best practices. Grow yourself working in a professional environment and on challenging projects with a supportive team. 

Who are encouraged to apply?

Individual seeking career in web development
Individual who enjoys working on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP technologies
Individuals having technical knowledge and strong passion without any degree are also eligible to apply

What we offer?

Dedicated mentorship from experienced mentors
Training Sessions / Assignments / Reviewing
Theoretical and practical knowledge on various technologies: HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, WordPress
Communication skills and team work
Certification and job offer
Friendly team who are always ready to help
In-house Table Tennis, Badminton Court, Carrom Board, Dart Board and Chess to play and enjoy the break time. (We conduct Interoffice Tournament time-to-time on different sports.)
Lunch, snacks, unlimited tea, and coffee
Timely refreshment and outing programs
5 working days a week

What should you include in your resume?

Your GitHub profile link with projects or practice works you've done
Recognizable photo

Things we expect you to prepare for the interview

HTML 5, Semantic HTML, Inline & Block Elements, Attributes
Type of CSS Selectors, Specificity, Box Model, Flex & Grid, Media Queries
Can create basic components like Navigation Menu, CTA, Blog Sections, Contact Forms, Grids, Tables, Paginations...
Responsive CSS
JS Events, Data Types, Array, Objects, Loop, Debugging, Events, Scope, Ajax, Promises, DOM manipulation
Some ES6 features: let, const, Arrow Functions, Array Methods etc.
Basic WordPress knowledge:
Dashboard, Themes and Plugins
Programming knowledge (PHP or any other):
Variables, Constants, Data Types, Loops, Session, Cookies, Arrays, Debugging
OOP Concepts: Class, Objects, Access Modifiers, Inheritance, Abstraction, Constructors & Destructors etc.
Basics of version control system like GIT

Important Note: We highly recommend you to learn topics as mentioned above and push things you practiced to GitHub.

Internship process

Our internship program duration is for 3 months. However, there will be a revaluation after the end of the 2nd month. Deserving and hard-working candidates might get a job placement before the end of the internship program. The program will continue as per schedule for the rest of the interns.

Remember! Only 12 seats are available among which a total of 6 worthy candidates will be selected.

Our projects

Real-world work on renowned project like: ColorMag, Spacious, Flash, Zakra, User Registration, Everest Forms
New exciting projects like: BlockArt, WooCommerce Themes
Future WordPress themes and plugins

Our plan for intern period

Introduction to company and WordPress
Getting familiar with our workflow with Git, Project Management Tools etc.
How to gain insight on new things
How to communicate and work within the team
Deep understanding of HTML/CSS
Vanilla JavaScript concepts
WordPress interface
Introducing our products
Important WordPress concepts: Gutenberg, Widgets, Customizer, Post Type, Using themes and plugins 
PHP for WordPress development
WordPress development concepts
WordPress theme development process
WordPress plugin development
Debugging ideas
WordPress coding standards
WordPress coding security principles
Various projects to enhance webdevs skills
Tasks on real projects
Presentations on various topics as you learn things
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